Friday, April 26, 2013

Underexposure Practice

 For this photo, the iso was 400, the aperture is 8.3 and the shutter speed was 1/600.
The effects were the top of the ball was very bright and the bottom had a lot of shadow. This photo was balanced on the light meter.

 For this photo the iso was 400, the aperture was 8.3 and the shutter speed was 1/3200. This picture was -1 on the light meter and was much darker than the 0 photo. 

This photo was iso 400, the aperture was 8.3 again and the shutter speed was 1/4000 sec. This was even darker than the -1 one picture and was -2 on the light meter.

iso 100
was the darkest and showed more detail

 iso 400
was a lot brighter than the 100 and was a little washed out.

iso 1000
was a lot brighter and was very washed out

Friday, April 19, 2013

Light Effects

           For this lighting effect picture, I opened this photo in PS and created a new layer. Then I made a dot with the brush tool off to the side. Next I went to pen > free form pen and drew the pattern of the effect I wanted. Then I right clicked on the pen line and went to stroke path and made it brush. I changed the color to an aqua green. Then I went to layer > layer style> and outer glow. I used one of the presets call vivid light and changed opacity to 70%. Then changed size to 43 and spread to six and set the range to 50. Then I saved as and imported to LR and exported as a jpg. The outcome of this photo was a really cool neon light looking wrap around the bird and the color stands out even more since the rest of the photo is black and white.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Animals at the Oakland Zoo

 For this photo, I went to the elephant exhibit when the elephants were eating and waited until the elephant was turned towards me so the subject wouldn't just be a big rectangle. The trunk is out in front so that shows some depth to the picture while also showing how much they use it . The message of this picture was to show how old, and tired looking the elephant was. Steps for editing this photo were increasing the sharpness, contrast, and saturation. I also cropped the picture and used the old polar preset and added the vignette 2 effect. The elephant looks very calming and it feels like it's very close to you when you're looking at it.

For this photo I was at the gibbon exhibit and took a picture through a bush of a siamang laying on the ground looking up at his hand. The monkey looks very playful and curious in this photo. For editing I turned the photo to black and white, increased sharpness and contrast and turned the brightness of greens and yellows to 100 to make the black monkey stand out in the grass. then I cropped the picture and added the sepia preset with the vignette 2 effect. The overall message is to show how curious monkeys can be and how lazy they can be. 

For this picture I was at the blue and yellow macaw exhibit and it was good because there was no fence or anything to get in the way. The bird was perched up on a branch by himself. I vertically cropped this picture and increased contrast and vibrance and saturation. Then I used photoshop and used the lasso so select everything but the bird and made a black and white layer. To me this bird looks very smart and it was tipping its head looking right at me so the viewer feels close to the subject.

For this picture, I was at the gibbons exhibit in the morning so the monkies were out getting ready to be feed. They were swinging around and the female was looking right at the male and since they are a couple, you can see their connection. For editing I decreased exposure and increased sharpness, and saturation a little. Then I added the cross process 2 preset and cropped the picture so there wasn't a lot in the background. This picture shows how similar monkeys can be to humans, by the relationships they form and all the different facial expressions they make.